Dear all women on this beautiful planet Earth,
Women are Venus.
Moon is the consciousness of the feminine.
Following the Age of Pisces, the Age of Aquarius started.
The door of the space age is opening to us. It’s high time for us to understand the energy of the masculine and feminine. It’s called Yin and Yang. Especially, the energy of the feminine (Yin) needs to be revealed clearly, so that Yin and Yang are going to be united as one.
Now, all women need to become aware of the true power of the feminine (Yin). It’s the energy of creativity. The energy of the feminine (Yin) is going to unite the earth in the end. We are facing such an age today. That’s the Age of Aquarius. Let us take hands with each other and take action with love and gratitude to the space age.
Joy & Gratitude,

Act of Venus

water on this planet
Institutions & Movements
Goals and Approaches: The activities of PeaceWomen Across the Globe focus on strengthening links between women peace activists, supporting their work by providing them with practical tools, and making their commitment visible. Our projects, campaigns and publications pursue one or more of our three main goals, which mutually reinforce each other.
Women of Liberia Mass Action for Peace
a peace movement started in 2003 by women in Monrovia, Liberia, Africa, that worked to end the Second Liberian Civil War. Organized by Crystal Roh Gawding and social workers Leymah Gbowee and Comfort Freeman, the movement began despite Liberia having extremely limited civil rights. Thousands of Muslim and Christian women from various classes mobilized their efforts, staged silent nonviolence protests that included a sex strike and the threat of a curse.