Scientists and the Universe (God)
Johannes Kepler

Johannes Kepler

Johannes Kepler (1571-1630)
german astronomer、mathematician、natural philosopher、astrologer。

"God is great。Its ability is immeasurable、That wisdom is infinite。Heaven And Earth、the sun, moon and stars、Praise God in your own words。my lord、my maker、As far as I can understand with my limited intellect、I want to convey to people the greatness of your work.”







Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton (1643-1727)
English natural philosopher、mathematician、physicist、astronomer。

``What we know is only a tiny drop.''。on the other hand、What we don't know is the ocean。The admirable arrangement and harmony of this universe、It can only be thought that it came from an omniscient and omnipotent being.''

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